WBLCD: Preserving White Bear Lake for future generations

The WBLCD has a set of ordinances that govern activity on White Bear Lake and its shores. The WBLCD has created, revised and replaced several ordinances over its history.  There are currently 11 active ordinances in the downloadable set. 


(Click on any ordinance in the document’s table of contents to jump directly to that ordinance.)

Summary of the ordinances

Here is a summary of the document contents in non-legal language:

  • Ordinance 5: Rules about docks, moorings, and other fixed or floating structures
  • Ordinance 6: Rules restricting the taking water from the lake
  • Ordinance 7: Rules about commercial sales from watercraft
  • Ordinance 9: Rules about operation and rental of personal watercraft
  • Ordinance 12: Rules relating to buoys and access to navigable waters, docks, structures (amendment to ord #5).
  • Ordinance 13: Clarification to ordinance 7 about commercial sales from watercraft
  • Ordinance 14: Rules preventing pollution of the lake
  • Ordinance 15: Rules about processing of citations and civil penalties.
  • Ordinance 16: Rules about types of watercraft, equipment on watercraft, scuba diving, etc.
  • Ordinance 17: Rules about placement of navigational markers
  • Ordinance 18:  Rules about driving on ice during winter


contact info2

Contact WBLCD

+1 (651) 429-8520

4701 Highway 61
White Bear Lake, MN 55110
